>> Expert tip

Our recommendations for an efficient meeting culture

Here are 11 tips to make your meetings really worthwhile:

1. A meeting only takes place when it is necessary!

2. Every Meeting has an agenda and a moderator!

3. Punctuality pays off! The moderator makes sure that the time frame of the meeting is kept!

4. Everyone is prepared regarding the subject of the meeting - no matter if moderator or participant!

5. Only one person speaks at a time, the others listen!

6. Everyone formulates his or her contributions clearly and in relation to the topic!

7. Dealing with each other is respectful. Argumentation and feedback are constructive!

8. Participants whose presence is no longer required may leave the meeting!

9. No interruptions from outside! Phones are muted or switched off. Computers are used for meeting purposes only.

10. Long and important meetings need breaks! Break times are respected!

11. Results are recorded in writing! Responsible Persons and deadlines are defined for each resulting task!