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Well informed into the working practice

Are you interested in practical tips for your daily work in project management? Then you can gain an insight into our collected knowledge on the subject of project management here.

>> Expert tip

Creative stakeholder assessment Stakeholder analysis with the 6-hats method
Stakeholderanalyse mit der 6-Hüte-Methode

projektmagazin, www.projektmagazin.de, Issue 5/2021:

Are you afraid of stakeholders who could endanger your project? With the 6-hats method, you can find out important issues even before communicating with stakeholders and take them into account in the communication strategy. Dr. Sophia Schubert explains how to do this in the project magazine with the help of an example.

>> Expert tip

How hybrid project management succeeds

When teams of classically and agilely managed subprojects work together, problems often arise. A project example shows which problems are typical and how they can be solved.

>> Expert tip

Article: Project-oriented work - How can we change structures in companies to make the best use of resources?

When a company changes its structures from a line organization to a project organization, this means a profound organizational and also cultural change that is felt in many areas of the company. With these changes come new opportunities and possibilities, but also new responsibilities and requirements. Read the following article to find out how you can meet the corresponding challenges.

>> Expert tip

Project evaluation with the value-in-use analysis

Regardless of the type of product or service a company offers, the value creation of a company is based on its service portfolio. In order to successfully adapt this portfolio of products and services to the requirements of the market and align it with the company's strategy, the company has to choose the right projects time and time again, especially against the backdrop of scarce resources. Find out more about value analysis, a method that can be used to prepare and secure such decisions.

>> Expert tip

Our recommendations for an efficient meeting culture

Have you had enough of lengthy and inefficient meetings? Then we have a few tips from our project management practice for you!

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