>> References

We advise you in project management. Systemic.

Browse through our wealth of experience and discover some of our consulting projects. From the team to the entire company, we raise your project management to a new level. We advise you holistically and according to your current level of maturity.

>> George Thieme Publishing

Introduce a project
portfolio management process
for detailed assessment of all projects.

Create increased transparency of the entire project landscape.

>> Vodafone

A smooth migration
for the Giga TV platform

Early Project health Check for a smooth migration to a Next Generation TV platform.

>> Kliewe

Professional project and
subcontract management in industrial
plant and pipeline construction

A uniform and practice-oriented project management system was introduced to increase planning reliability and strengthen supplementary management.

>> Waygate Technologies

Product development
with hybrid project management

Improvement and standardization of hybrid project management in product development.

>> Thermo Fisher Scientific

Product Design Changes in
the Regulated Environment

Creation of the program management blueprint for instrument development in three projects.

>> Association of German Foundations

Many foundations - one network

Establishment of the nationwide network Foundations and Education with the Kanban methodology.

>> Gigaset AG

Innovation offensive
„Gigaset Elements“

Transformation into a digital company. Broader positioning of the product portfolio and improved profitability.

>> Viereck

More planning security
through professionalization of
project management

Increased planning reliability for future projects and a uniform professional project management approach based on the company's own working methods.

>> Hanseatisches Wein & Sekt Kontor

Website development
using Scrum

Launch of an improved webshop with strengthened customer orientation in website development, consistent cooperation with the specialist side and new, modern impulses in the working methodology.

>> Medac GmbH

Medical Device Regulation
newly implemented

How external project management resources brought transparency and lessons learned from other companies to the compliance and implementation of change requirements.


Project portfolio management for
digital transformation

How to successfully manage projects in times of virtual collaboration.

>> Interim Management


Unsere Projektmanager im Einsatz.
Lesen Sie in unseren Praxisbeispielen in welchen Projekten wir im Einsatz waren, welche besonderen Herausforderungen gemeistert werden mussten und welche Methoden den Unterschied gemacht haben.

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Simply book an appointment for a digital dialog with us.