>> Resilience in project management

How can resilience be strengthened in project management?

HAMBURG, 18.08.2022 – In order to be able to manage projects successfully even under high stress, a sound knowledge of "health at work" helps.

Together with the Charismaschmiede and Melanie Lange, we have put together an individually tailored training program, which is divided into three consecutive morning events (online) and one face-to-face event.

We looked at both theoretical aspects and practical examples of self-care, resilience, stress management, and dealing with illness, and learned about various mental-based methods.

Strengthening health literacy as a project manager is the focus.

In terms of content, the "Staying Healthy Program" focuses on:

- Self-care and resilience: strengthen your own perception and self-empathy and become more
resilient with mental hacks

- Workplace stress analysis: individual and contextual stressors and derivation
of mental and self-management techniques.

- Development of a team understanding in the handling and communication of diseases

The goal of the seminar is to further develop the House of PM - health model in order to strengthen resilience in the team and thus promote a decisive qualitative difference in project management.