>> Kliewe

Professional project and subcontract management in industrial plant and pipeline construction.

Increased planning reliability for future projects and a uniform professional project management approach based on the company's own working methods.

>> Kliewe

Kliewe - individual solutions for the industry

Kliewe GmbH from Hamburg is one of the leading companies in industrial plant, container and pipeline construction. Every day, more than 400 employees are committed to high-quality and durable solutions for storage, production, transport and temperature control of various media. Kliewe offers consulting, engineering, factory production and assembly with its own skilled personnel through to full-service contracts from a single source.

Professional project and supplementary management in industrial plant and pipeline construction

With the changeover of cost management in the company, Kliewe decided to establish professional project management and thus increase planning reliability and strengthen supplementary management. In addition to the clarification of tasks and responsibilities, the creation of a uniform understanding and approach for projects with a project management system suitable for the size of the company is intended within this framework. The resulting project management system is to be developed based on an exemplary project and be adaptable to other projects in the company.

„The implementation of project management helps Kliewe to meet international industrial customers on an equal footing and to offer and implement our 'everything from one source' concept in a binding manner.“

Thomas Kliewe - Geschäftsführer Kliewe

Our Contribution

A uniform and practice-oriented project management system was introduced to increase planning reliability and strengthen supplementary management. At the beginning, existing best practices in the company were identified and suitable PM methods were presented, tested and selected by means of workshops. The selected combination of best practices and methods was documented in a practice-oriented project management guide and scaled to different project sizes. In order to establish a uniform level of knowledge and wording, the project staff were trained according to the GPM standard and completed the examination for the basic certificate.

The most important success factor in establishing project management in companies is anchoring the work method in the company. In order to achieve this, the project managers were provided with a sparring partner who supported the practical application of the guide. In addition, the project managers set up a knowledge team to derive further improvements from the experience gained during application. This resulted in a living project management system that kept pace with Kliewe's growth.


Sybille Schmidtke
Managing Director

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