>> Digital Transformation

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>> Project Management in Excellence:

Are you interested in practical tips for your daily work in project management? Then you will get an insight into our collected knowledge on the subject of project management.

We humans already arrived at this wisdom through Heraclitus 2500 years ago and also that this applies to all areas of social life - including companies. In the last decade, 85% of companies report that they have undergone at least one transformation, but only a third have achieved their stated goal. 

Why is that? Why is it so difficult to implement a transformation?
What are the decisive factors and prerequisites for digital transformation to succeed?

Although we are all in the midst of it, the digital transformation is an ambivalent topic: It stirs up euphoria and uncertainty in equal measure. What distinguishes it from many other transformations? It doesn't just involve the one as-is state that is supposed to evolve into the one to-be state. It transforms products, business models, even entire markets, and even social interaction simultaneously. There is hardly an area of life or a business process that is not touched by digital transformation - and at a rapid pace.

The first step

The pure, digital mapping of existing analog processes is the first step in the "digitization" universe. Many companies start by switching from on-premise systems to a hybrid cloud infrastructure and digitizing their sales and billing processes. The focus here is usually on avoiding paper, media disruptions and manual activities. This manifestation of digitization is technology-driven and aims at efficiency and error reduction.

For a true digital transformation, it is necessary to look at processes from a strategic meta-level. Here, the driver is usually the desire for greater effectiveness. The key difference is that the processes themselves are questioned and mostly redeveloped instead of just automated. In the process, the new possibilities are exploited, which are brought about by ever-evolving technologies.

And now?

Many companies find themselves in the situation where initial digitization projects have been initiated, but the hoped-for success fails to materialize; that the dimension of such a change process and often also the emotions associated with it have been underestimated. Confusion. and resistance spread - new tools are not used at all or only to a limited extent, employees do not see any advantages in the new processes, but rather view them with concern for the status quo, and the whole thing seems too complex overall. And now? How can a change that has been started be sustainably anchored in the organization? How can employees be proactively involved in order to prevent discontent from arising in the first place and having to react to it?

The solution approach

This requires experience in change projects, knowledge of the dynamics of processes, and the knowledge of where things usually go wrong - and how to remove these stumbling blocks. Because most of the time, the difficulties companies face on their way to digitization are similarly structured. We know you!

OUR DIGITALIZATION APPROACH - methodologically strong and experienced

The basis for our work is, on the one hand, sound methodological knowledge of our certified project managers and, on the other hand, our many years of extensive experience in digitization projects. Based on this, we offer support in the following project environments:

> Digitization of processes
> Digital product development
> Digitization of the way organizations work
> Realizations around the topic Internet of Things
> Realizations around the topic Industry 4.0
> Convergent project consulting that also takes organizational development into account.

The value of digitization

As project experts, we always keep the following triad in mind:
Project Management, Process Management and Change Management.
In plain language, this means that the combination of our project management skills, process design knowledge, systemic understanding and many years of experience in change processes is the necessary performance diversity for your project success.
In addition, we work according to the following principles in the context of digital transformation:

Value orientation, i.e. we obtain a precise idea of what exactly the value of digitization is for whom and align all measures accordingly.

We start where the organization is -

Digital transformations do not start on a greenfield site, but are subject to general conditions: employee know-how, IT infrastructure, etc. We always start with an inventory and derive measures from it.
In each case, we rely on the appropriate project management methodology - be it agile according to KANBAN, SCRUM or SAFe, classic according to IPMA, PMI, PRINCE2 or the proven mixture of both in a hybrid model.

Iterative further development -

We emphasize breaking projects down into small, manageable components and implementing them iteratively to allow feedback after each iteration so that improvements can be implemented early.

Promote collaboration and transparency

Digital transformations do not stop at departmental boundaries. As a result, cross-departmental collaboration must become even more important. It's about sharing relevant information, with the right stakeholders, at the right time, in the right form.

Holistic thinking and working

With a holistic view of the interrelationships between individual strands of action, our systemically trained project management consultants place particular emphasis on the involvement of all stakeholders and intensive communication of changes.

Simplicity and practicality

We master complexity. At the same time, however, we also take care to avoid unnecessary complexity in project management by proactively recognizing uncertainties and to realize quick wins through simplicity.

Optimize and automate

Through our optimization approaches, we enable organizations to maximize the value of their work. We draw attention to repetitive activities and recommend suitable technologies for more efficient work.


The digital transformation in the world of work is currently a particular focus. The use of digital tools, agile working methods and self-organization have become elementary characteristics in the professional interaction of almost every company in recent months. Project rooms, open spaces and think tanks are very popular, and video conferencing has become indispensable after the months of the pandemic. But does digital and agile always mean efficient? What are the dangers of a perfectly digitized and automated intradepartmental solution in the complexity of a company?

In the future, companies will have to face a mix of different work models. Across divisions, there will be employees who work entirely "on-site" at the company and those who operate entirely mobile "from another location." The majority of employees will find themselves in a mix.

Our simplest exercise is to manage projects based on Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Planner. This makes it possible to make progress transparent and track milestones. In addition to the basic provision of the technological infrastructure, detailed consideration is also required here so that the individual employees are not overwhelmed by the new communication options. For example, it is necessary to determine which communication channels are used by whom, how and for what purpose, how and by whom degrees of completion are to be maintained, and so on.
Most companies have already laid the foundation for a digital turnaround. Many have been "forcibly digitized" due to the Corona pandemic. Remote work has created a flood of new tools that are being used in a variety of ways. But often the overarching structure is missing and processes do not run as planned. In most cases, there is a lack of capacity and experience in digitization and change projects to manage these new processes in a target-oriented manner.

When breaking up routines, emotions also play a role, affecting the willingness to change and productivity during the project. We take emotions seriously in the project. We are convinced that knowledge acquired through practical testing becomes real competence. Therefore, we do not leave your employees alone with tool or method training, but accompany them continuously in building up competence and offer exactly the right building block of training and coaching at the right time to meet the challenges of the next stage.

OUR SELF - Performance and Passion

Our expertise is the uncertain, the complex. Our passion is project management and project portfolio management. We have deep experience in the digital design of projects and bring virtual teams to life.

If you feel addressed by our thoughts and would like to spin them further in your team, just contact us.

We look forward to sharing our experiences.


Sybille Schmidtke
Managing Director


Hauke Thun
Managing Director

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