>> Career

Working at House of PM

Working at House of PM means to create and to take responsibility quickly. You support the execution of projects or the implementation of project management structures and methods at the customer. During your assignments you will get to know different companies and industries. In doing so, you will come into contact with many people and lead exciting projects to success together with them as a team. In tricky situations and for regular professional exchanges, your colleagues will be there as quality sparring partners with advice and support.

>> Career

We continue to grow.

The new Project Manager in the House of PM team is Ole Salzer. If you want to learn more about Ole's career path, our application process and possible entry opportunities, click here:

>> Career

Welcome to the team Rebecca!

We are pleased to welcome Rebecca Emmilia Guist on board House of PM as Project Manager. If you want to learn more about Rebecca's career and how she started her career at House of PM, click here:

I also want to be part of the team

Our current job openings

I also want to be part of the team

> Project Manager (m/f/d) (Stellenausschreibung)

We also welcome applications from experienced project managers who are freelancers and would like to join our PM Associates network.

Our application process

The incoming applications are personally reviewed by our HR team. We welcome well-structured application documents that show your motivation for applying, your interest in our company and your experience in project management. The applicants who we consider to be the best fit will be invited to a 30-minute telephone interview. Here we would like to find out what your basic understanding of project management is and answer questions about the advertised position.


If we have gained the impression that you could be a good fit for us, we will invite you to a one-hour interview. The personal interview gives us the opportunity to get to know each other better and to find out whether we are a good match. If this interview is positive for both sides, a further interview with our management follows. If this interview confirms the interest of both parties in working together, we will send you an employment contract.


We also accept applications from experienced freelance project managers who would like to join our PM Associates network. The application process is initially similar to that for a permanent position. After reviewing the application documents, we will also invite you to a telephone interview. If this is positive for both sides, a personal interview will follow in the presence of the management and another colleague.

The start at House of PM

In the first days you will get to know the organizational structure and the service portfolio of House of PM. Furthermore, you will be familiarized with all important tools and processes.

You will usually start your project work with an experienced colleague who will support you and guide you until you can gradually take on more responsibility as you gain experience.

When you start at House of PM, you will be assigned a mentor from among your colleagues for the first six months. The mentoring serves your personal and professional development. In regular confidential conversations with your mentor, questions about the way of working and the culture at House of PM are dealt with, but also concrete challenges within the team, at the customer or your own person (e.g. work-life balance) are discussed.

What makes us stand out

Development from the start

In line with our striving for project management excellence, the professional development of our employees is an important concern for us. To this end, we rely on qualification programs such as project management certifications and in-house training on topics that we determine together as a team. In addition, we work with you to develop further training options according to your individual needs.

Our common values

All House of PM employees contribute to the creation of a good working environment and to the external perception of the company through their behavior. It is important to us that everyone pulls together. To ensure that we always succeed in this, our shared values and our Code of Conduct provide us with valuable orientation for our daily work. This way, all our employees and freelancers as well as our clients know what we expect from them and what they can expect from House of PM.

Our jointly defined values determine our corporate culture and are an orientation for our personal and professional behavior:
> Respect

> Integrity

> Openness

> Sustainable impact

> Striving for project management excellence